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ELJ Editions



ELJL Editions is dedicated to emerging writers, however they may define that parameter, regardless of age, background, or how they identify. We want to amplify fresh voices to audiences excited to support their growth. What’s emerging, you ask? Emerging doesn’t necessarily mean new to writing, but a jumping off point to publishing or sharing work with a broader audience; emerging is writers figuring out their voices, experimenting with style, exposing work that is raw and vulnerable. Whether you’re a new writer, a writer new to publishing, or a writer with experience experimenting with their style of work, we dedicate ourselves to you. Where do you and your work fall? You decide.

There are currently no books in the Five Colleges from this press.

Press Information

  • Website:
  • Location:  Washingtonville
  • Editors: Ariana D. Den Bleyker
  • Identity-Specific: Women-Run
  • Identity-Run:
  • Misc. Tags: