11:11 Press
11:11 Press is an American independent literary publisher based in Minneapolis, MN. Founded in 2018, 11:11 publishes innovative literature of all forms and varieties. We believe in the freedom of . . .
3 Hole Press
3 Hole Press is a home for performance in book form and everyday life. We publish titles that expand our notions of plays, scripts, and scores, how we engage with them, and how we distribute them.
53rd State Press
53rd State Press publishes lucid, challenging, and lively new writing for performance. We favor work that expands our notions of the theatrical in performance and in print, and we are committed to . . .
A Strange Object
A Strange Object is an imprint based in Austin, Texas, dedicated to publishing surprising, heartbreaking fiction alongside thoughtful works of nonfiction. We’re talking about books that haunt and . . .
Abalone Mountain Press
Abalone Mountain Press is a place for Indigenous writers to dismantle the canon.
above/ground press
above/ground press was founded July 1993. Nearly thirty years of continuous activity and now more than 1000 publications to date! Ottawa-based poetry, chapbook, and broadside publisher.
Action Books
Action Books is transnational. Action Books is interlingual. Action Books is Futurist. Action Books is No Future. Action Books is feminist. Action Books is political. Action Books is for noisies. . . .
Active Agents
Active Agents, Semiotext(e)’s political arm, is a series of books published quickly in response to urgent issues. Continuing in the vein of prior Semiotext(e) books such as the Black Panther volume, . . .
Adastra Press
Adastra Press is a chapbook press that publishes poems. The chapbooks are hand-crafted on a letterpress and are hand-sewn.
Adjunct Press
Adjunct Press is an independent chapbook press in Milwaukee.
Aforementioned Productions
Aforementioned Productions is an award-winning press publishing fiction, essays, and poems that combine the cerebral with the visceralin other words, we support literature that makes readers think and . . .
African Poetry Book Fund
The African Poetry Book Fund promotes and advances the development and publication of the poetic arts through its book series, contests, workshops, and seminars and through its collaborations with . . .
Agape Editions
Agape Editions publishes literary work by authors of vision. Our books engage the Numinous & the sacred. We are particularly interested in work that is aesthetically challenging & formally . . .
Akashic Books
Akashic Books is a Brooklyn-based independent company dedicated to publishing urban literary fiction and political nonfiction by authors who are either ignored by the mainstream, or who have no . . .
Algonquin Books
Algonquin Books set up shop in a woodshed behind cofounder Louis Rubin’s Chapel Hill, NC, home. He and Shannon Ravenel founded Algonquin as an independent press devoted to publishing literary fiction . . .
Alice James Books
Alice James Books is a place of belonging for poets who inspire. Founded as a feminist press, Alice James Books is committed to collaborating with literary artists of excellence whose voices have been . . .
Alternating Current
Alternating Current is an indie press dedicated to publishing and promoting incredible literature that challenges readers and has an innate sense of self, timelessness, and atmosphere. We love . . .
And Other Stories
And Other Stories publishes some of the best in contemporary writing, including many translations. We aim to push people’s reading limits and help them discover authors of adventurous and inspiring . . .
AngelHousePress or DevilHousePress
AngelHousePress publishes ragged edges, raw talent and rule breakers who push the boundaries of poetry.
Anomalous Press or Anomaly
Anomaly is an international journal of literature and the arts. We provide a platform for works of art that challenge conventions of form and format, of voice and genre.
Anstruther Press
Anstruther Press is committed to publishing emerging and established writers alike. With an emphasis on poetry, our goal is to produce limited edition book objects that are both beautiful to hold and . . .
Apocalypse Party
Apocalypse Party believes books are hallucinogens suffused with emotion, feeling, and sensation. Our books wobble in the frame of reality and dissect the prism of surreality. You might describe us as . . .
Apogee Press
When Apogee Press was founded in 1997, our goal was to publish innovative and experimental poets who were formally and culturally diverse and shared an original use of language. If that description . . .
Apostrophe Books
Apostrophe Books includes poetry intersecting theory, philosophy, cultural studies, & pataphysics
April Gloaming Publishing
April Gloaming Publishing aims to capture and better understand the Southern soul, Southern writing, and the Southern holler.
Archipelago Books
Artistic exchange between cultures is a crucial aspect of global understanding: literature can act as a catalyst to dissolve stereotypes and to reveal a common humanity between people of different . . .
Areca Press
Areca Books has a publishing mission to produce social histories that dignify the culturally diverse peoples who make up our society. We also promote the writing of urban histories that give . . .
Argos Books
In the Odyssey, the being who recognizes the returning hero Odysseus through his thick disguise comes in the unlikely form of his dog, Argos. Just as the Argos in Homer’s epic perceives an important . . .
Arte Público Press
From its beginnings on the artistic fringe during the Hispanic Civil Rights Movement to its current status as the oldest and most accomplished publisher of contemporary and recovered literature by US . . .
Artepoética Press
Artepoética Press Inc. is a Hispanic publisher based in New York City. We specialize in works of Ibero-American themes and authors residing inside and outside the United States. We publish literary . . .
Astrophil Press
The name Astrophil Press (derived from Phillip Sydney’s Astrophil and Stella) is a nod to the rich history of stylistic innovations in writing and in this spirit, we strive to publish work from a . . .
Augury Books
Augury Books is an independent press based in Brooklyn, New York. Committed to publishing innovative work from emerging and established writers, Augury Books seeks to reaffirm the diversity of the . . .
Aunt Lute Books
Aunt Lute Books is an intersectional, feminist press dedicated to publishing literature by those who have been traditionally underrepresented in or excluded by the literary canon. Core to Aunt Lute’s . . .
Autumn House Press
Welcome to Autumn House Press! We believe literature is an affirmation of the deep and elemental range of our human experience, and our need for it is as crucial now as it ever has been. Autumn House . . .
Awst Press
Awst Press publishes authors whose work fits our aesthetic and fulfills our vision of inclusivity and community. We endeavor to support authors through each project and beyond by increasing their . . .
Backbone Press
Backbone Press debuts and supports writers who are considered marginalized voices and whose work may not be published elsewhere. Our press was started as a response to the bleak state of diversity in . . .
Bad Betty Press
Bad Betty Press loves writing that is bad (meaning good) and beautiful (‘a Betty’ in 90s slang). We love the strange, raw and risk-taking. We believe strongly in art’s capacity to challenge its own . . .
Balestier Press
Balestier Press is an independent publisher proudly presenting the hidden gems of contemporary world literature, picture books, comics/graphic novels and memoirs, with a focus on Asia, Pacific and . . .
Baobab Press
Baobab Press seeks books that communicate and support their themes through new and well-articulated means. We like risk. We like invention. More importantly, we look for a quality of thought that adds . . .
Barefoot Muse Press
[No bio on website, can’t view full intro on FB]
Barrow Street
Barrow Street is a nonprofit literary arts organization that was started in Greenwich Village, NYC in 1994 to provide community outreach and host literary events featuring emerging and established . . .
Baseline Press
Baseline Press is a poetry micro-press based out of London, Ontario. Since 2011, we have been creating limited edition hand-sewn chapbooks for both new and established Canadian poets.
Bauhan Publishing
Bauhan Publishing offers something that the newcomers can’t: well-designed and well-edited books printed on high-quality paper with beautiful, eye-catching covers. It’s all about craftsmanship. Bauhan . . .
Be About It Press
Be About It Press started as a literary/art zine in 2010. We also now publish poetry collections in print and online, and host a reading series based out of the East Bay.
Beacon Press
Beacon Press is an independent publisher of serious non-fiction. Our books often change the way readers think about fundamental issues; they promote such values as freedom of speech and thought; . . .
bear parade
bear parade is electronically published collections of poetry and short fiction, and is free for everyone.
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